Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Inaugural post: Nubar "Boyfriend Jeans" with stuff on it

Welcome to Nail Party!  

For our inaugural post we have a photo of Nubar Boyfriend Jeans (not too light, not too dark, JUST RIGHT BLUE) with different top coats because I was feeling experimental.  This picture is a month or so old so I can only remember 4 out of the 5 topcoats.

Thumb: CND Crimson Sparkle
Pointer: HITS Hefesto
Middle: can't remember, it's too brush-strokey anyway, ugh
Ring: OPI I Juggle Men
Pinky: INM Northern Lights

It's not a competition, but I think my favorite is the Northern Lights.  I do like how the Crimson Sparkle contrasts with the blue without looking too purple.  Anyway, hooray for colors!  Someday I might re-swatch the Nubar in natural/better light, it is such a nice blue.

Comments are open, I think.  Thank you for stopping by!

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